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Water Problem... Irrigation
Water Shortage? Salty Water?

Neutralize salts and make every precious drop count!


Farmers everywhere know how important good water is! Many use large center pivot sprinklers and/or drip irrigation systems. Unfortunately in many parts of the country, well water often has very high levels of salt and hardness, and as a result, salt builds up in the soil over the years making it hard, impermeable and unsuitable. Salt and minerals in the water are hard on the plants, and also clog up irrigation systems causing lots of expensive and time consuming maintenance.
Salty irrigation water can result in severe plant damage or death, stunted growth, low productivity and yield for a commercial operator, added expense and corrosion damage to irrigation equipment, and increased salt buildup in the soil. Care Free Water Conditioners are made of 316 Solid Stainless Steel and are proven to make salty water with up to as much as 6,000 ppm, 7,000 ppm and even 8,000 ppm of Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) immediately usable for irrigating grasses, crops, and plants of all kinds without chemicals, without additives, without reverse osmosis or filtration of any other kind, and without delay OR further expense! They are designed to last a lifetime and come with a Manufacturer's Lifetime Warranty. They also help flush salt buildup in the soil deeper and deeper below the plants' root zones thus making soil more permeable and preventing water waste.
SOLUTION... a CARE FREE® Conditioner!
Care Free Water Conditioners
Neutralize & Dramatically LOWER high levels of Chloride & other Salts & Make Soil Permeable so your plants can absorb Every Possible Drop of Water!
Care Free Water Conditioners are Grade 316 Solid Stainless Steel In-Line Catalytic Water Treatment Systems that are Simple, Safe and Economical.

- Lifetime Warranty
- Almost No Maintenance
- Lower the Salinity in the Soil
- Improve Water Penetration
- Reduce Water and Fertilizer Usage
- Save Money and Increase Production
- Stop Scale & Corrosion of Water Systems & More

Owners/Operators Joh Prukop (Far Right) &
James Prukop (Center) and John's son Trevor
Texas Farmers Have BEST CROPS in 17 years with CARE FREE Despite Salty Water & Soil and Despite Extreme Drought & Triple-Digit Heat!
Prukop Farms: Premont, Jim Wells County, Texas
Products: Watermelon, Cotton, Canola, Many others
40 Years In Business
"Here at Prukop Farms we have installed three
Care Free Water Conditioners on irrigation wells that supply our drip irrigation to primarily watermelon crops. These wells produce 1100 gallons per minute of water that is of marginal quality for irrigating crops due mainly to the different salts they contain (high TDS).
We have been affected by a two year drought, so our past Spring and Fall crops were grown exclusively with this (salty) well water delivered to our watermelon crops conditioned by the
Care Free Water Conditioners."

"Since we have installed the Conditioners we have harvested two of the Best Spring and Two of the Best Fall crops we have had in seventeen years of growing drop irrigated watermelons! This is remarkable given the water quality and the total lack of rainfall."
John Prukop, Manager Prukop Farms, Premont, TX; Chairman Board of Directors for Texas AgFinance; Board of Directors Kleberg-Kenedy Soil & Water Conservation District
Making Salty Water & Soil Highly Productive
Installation is Simple
One of 3 Care Free Water
Conditioners at Prukop Farms
Prukop farms is a highly diversified farming operation and diversification helps to withstand weather variations like extreme drought and heat. They are continuously looking for new innovations and technology to make the operation more efficient. When John Prukop realized their irrigation water was becoming more and more salty, he did his research and discovered the Many Benefits of Care Free Conditioned Water!
This progressive mindset and business approach is key to the Farm's Success.
Water Quality (3 Wells) and Conditions: | |
Elec Cond...1,485 to 2,125 uS/cm | TDS...1,051 TO 1,531ppm |
Total Hardness...165 to 479ppm | pH... 6.88 to 7.17 units |
Iron(Fe)...0 to 0.5ppm | Triple-digit Heat/Severe Drought |
Watermelon Yield With
Care Free Conditioned Water:
76,000 to 83,000 lbs per acre.
Non-Irrigated Melons:
27,000 lbs per acre

Model CF150MKII - 6" Table E Flanged
655 to 1,622 GPM Flow
316 Stainless Steel

Proper Sizing is Essential
Models are sized by GPM Flow After the Pump ~ Not By Pipe Size
Models From 141 to 6,708 GPM each
Since 1980, Farmers, Ranchers, & Growers World-Wide have enjoyed the Many Benefits of Care Free Conditioned Water Including Increased Production & Profits

$80,000 Loss in Broccoli crop Before Installing Care Free
"With our salty water (2,800 ppm TDS) we couldn't afford NOT to have a Care Free Conditioner!" -Brad Ipsen Manjimup Australia
Prior to installing Care Free Conditioners, this vegetable grower had $80,000 crop losses in two months due to salty water & soil. Since installing four Care Free Conditioners, he now has:
- 20% Crop Increase
- Salt Scald disappeared on soil surface
- 10 day crop turnaround
"It's amazing... We've had a 20% crop increase since installing our Care Free Conditioners"
Production increases 340% using 11,000 ppm Salt Water
After installing a Care Free Water Conditioner the production of Spinach Increased by 340% and this small Farm income rose from $40,000 to $136,000.
RIGHT:Manufacturer's director Robert Uden, with farm manager, Sweihan, United Arab Emerits
Tender Salt-Sensitive Onions Thrive in 3,000ppm Salt Water with a Care Free Conditioner

Consequences of salty well water. Note Soil clodding, uneven & poor crop growth

CF65MKII (2-1/2" Flanged) Care Free Conditioner Installed in 4" line (265 GPM)
Ensenada, Mexico

After just 7 weeks Greatly Improved Soil Texture, No Salt Encrustation & Healthy, Robust Growth
Alfalfa Crop Thrives in 5,600 ppm Salt Water & Returns Farmer 280% every year on his investment
"Before we installed the Care Free, our well water almost killed out flood irrigated alfalfa. Since installing it, the results have been amazing!" Ted Skewes, Owner
Water Analysis-Care Free eliminates salt water problems.
SODIUM | 1,600 ppm |
CHLORIDE | 3,400 ppm |
Elec. Cond | 11,100 uS/cm |
TDS | 6,400 ppm |
NaCI | 5,600 ppm |

Keith, South Australia
How Does it Work?
The Care Free Water Conditioner is and in-line water treatment system with a proven track records since 1980. Installed in your water supply line after the pump and before any other equipment including equipment adding nutrients or fertilizers, if any, it becomes part of your irrigation system. It's unique, patented design forces the water to go through the specially designed catalytic chamber at a very high velocity which causes tremendous turbulence and, coupled with a small electric field, causes the mineral and salt particles in the water to separate, repel each other, and be drastically reduced in size SO AS TO BECOME INERT AND INCAPABLE OF HAVING AN ADVERSE IMPACT. Simply put, the catalytic process eliminates cohesion (binding) of mineral particles, including salts, in the water and renders them inert and incapable of having an adverse impact on plants, soil, and water-using equipment.
If Lowering Soil Salinity is Important, a Care Free Water Conditioner is for You
"...There are observed salinity reductions in the soils where trials have taken place..."
"By reducing the size of the salt particles, the (Care Free Conditioner) influences the negative impact of the saline water, and allows the salt ions to pass downward through the soils below the root zone. The irrigated water with the salt particle size reduction allows the salt ions to pass quicker throughout the soils and not get caught up in the root zone for plants." -Dr. John Bradd, Hydrogeologist ANS0 & ASAN National Co-ordinator
Tremendous Water & Fertilizer Savings: Care Free Water Penetrates the Soil Vertically, Directly To The Root Zone...Reducing Lateral Waste By 55%

Care Free Sends Water Directly to the Root Zone! These two photos of drip irrigation taken during the same time frame show how much lateral water dispersion has been reduced with a Care Free Conditioner. Because Care Free reduces the micron size of salt particles in the water & makes them inert, the water penetrates the soil faster. It also makes the soil more permeable and able to retain moisture longer.

Without Care Free the wetted area measured 26 3/4"-more than half the water & fertilizers were wasted

With Care Free the wetted area was reduced by 42% to 16-1/2" the first watering cycle & by the 55% to 11-3/4" by the third watering cycle
Consider The Many Benefits
- Lowers Salinity in the Soil
- Improves Water Penetration
- Reduces Water and Fertilizer Usage
- Saves Money and Increases Production
- Reduces the Adverse Effects of Salts & Minerals
- Encourages Plant & Crop Growth for Greater Yields
- Stops Scale & Corrosion of Water Systems
- Drip Irrigation Lines Stay Clean
- Grade 316 Solid Stainless Steel Construction with Table E Extra Thick Stainless Flanges
- Commercial Models From 141 to 6,708 GPM each
- Reasonably Priced - A Terrific Investment
- May Be 100% Financed for 24 to 60 months with credit approval
- May Be Tax Deductible and/or qualify for Other Tax Benefits (check with your Tax Advisor as tax laws vary & change)
- Extends the Life of Water-Using Equipment
- Inhibits Algae Growth-Stock Tanks & Troughs Remain Cleaner
- Virtually No Maintenance
- Designed to Last a Lifetime ~ Comes with a Manufacturers LIFETIME WARRANTY
Desalination and Reverse Osmosis systems are exceedingly expensive, require extremely high maintenance (cost & labor), require enormous energy & waste precious water in the process!
Care Free Eliminates Salt & Mineral Buildup on Texas Poultry Farmer's Evaporative Cooling Cell Pads

"We have 3 wells that supply 8 broiler houses. Our well water is very salty & hard which causes big maintenance problems especially with salt & calcium buildup on the broiler house cooling pad cells. We purchased a Care Free Conditioner (Model CF50MKII for 100 gpm) and installed it immediately.
The Results were amazing! No more salt & calcium buildup on anything including the cooling cell pads. This has not only saved us money, time and maintenance, but has saved us from losing chickens to the heat."
Jerry Robertson, Owner/Operator Robertson Farms
Marquez, TX
Vineyard Continues to Produce Award Winning Wines with CARE FREE Conditioned Water

"Our Thanks to Care Free Products of Arkansas for all your help in getting the Care Free Water Conditioner to us in such a short order (2-1/2" Flanged unit for 150 gpm). The Party who recommended we contact you was 100% correct in charecterizing your company and product as a great resource and extremely reliable. Now Producing Award Winning Wines at Fortress Vinyards."
Barbara Snider, Co-Owner, Fortress Vinyards, Calistoga, CA
Vegetables Thrive in 4,159 ppm Salt Water
"I maintain a 15,000sq.ft. vegetable garden here in Corpus Christ, TX. We tried to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and other vegetables but we have so much salt in our water (4,159 ppm TDS), everything had leaf burn & often died. The more we watered with salty water, the saltier the soil got until finally in 2009 almost everything died.
We Then bought a Care Free Catalytic water Conditioner and the crops have flourished ever since! What a Great Product!"
J.T. Falke, Corpus Christi, TX.
Whether you have a HUGE agricultural operation, a Small one or something in between~ if you have SALTY WATER CROPS WILL THRIVE with a CARE FREE CONDITIONER

Before our Care Free® Water Conditioner

AFTER our Care Free® Water Conditioner
...Nurseries benefit as well
Our salty well water was killing our plugs so we ordered a Care Free Water Conditioner and installed it immediately. All of our plants that got conditioned water have looked good from the start.
We are extremely happy with the Care Free Conditioner!
Fred & Vera Funk,
Owners of Sun Country Garden Center, Artesia, New Mexico
Care Free Catalytic Water Conditioners Commercial Flanged Models with Flow Rates*
*All Care Free Catalytic Water Conditioners are Sized Exclusively by your supply water Flow Rate After your Pump & NOT by your Pipe Size. Oversizing will result in poor or no desired results. Bigger is not Better- Size only According to the flow rate ranges indicated below.
Model Number | Table E Flange Size | GPM Flow Range |
CF65MK II | 2-1/2" | 141 to 350 GPM |
CF75MK II | 3" | 204 to 504 GPM |
CF100MK II | 4" | 280 to 693 GPM |
CF125-150MK II | 6" | 425 to 1,052 GPM |
CF150MK II | 6" | 655 to 1,622 GPM |
CF200MK II | 8" | 1,151 to 2,850 GPM |
CF250MK II | 10" | 1,587 to 4604 GPM** **Without Orifice Flow up to 6,708 GPM |
Up to 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR ALL Care Free Commercial Flanged Models Through:

- Direct Lending since 1992-No banks or middlemen
- Commonsense Approval Process
- No Money Down -Up to 100% Financing leaves you working capital for other needs
- Payment options for 24 months, 36 months, 48 months, or 60 months with Affordable Payments, interest rates lower than credit cards, a $1 Purchase Option at the end of the lease, and No PrePayment Penalty after 1st Year
- Lease Payments may be fully tax deductible & offer other tax benefits. Check with your tax advisor.

Thriving Azaleas after Installing our CareFree®
Water Conditioner

Cherry Tomatoes after Installing our CareFree®
Water Conditioner
Our CARE FREE® Catalytic Water Conditioner can help Eliminate Leaf Burn, Stunted Growth, Wilt, Blossom Drop, Root Rot & Malnourishment caused by Poor Water & Soil Conditions with NO Chemicals and NO Maintenance! Gardeners, Farmers, Home Owners, Nursery Owners, Orchard growers, Vineyards & Landscapers find that CARE FREE Water Conditioners make their plants, trees, lawns & crops FLOURISH even in some of the most undesirable and salty water & soil conditions. CARE FREE Water Conditioners IMPROVE WATER NATURALLY WITHOUT CHEMICALS OR SALT!
Brackish, Salty Water is often a BIG Problem since salts can kill or damage plants On Contact (or at the very least cause leaf burn & stunted growth), will build up on plant roots & leaves which inhibits a plants ability to absorb nutrients, & can build up in the soil itself making soil extremely salty, hard & impermeable. Despite these facts, growers report success growing healthy plants with water containing up to 6,600 ppm salts AFTER installing a CARE FREE Water Conditioner!

Leaf Before

Leaf After

Melons Before

Melons After
How Is This Possible? The CAREFREE Water Conditioner doesn’t add anything to the water or soil but it’s unique catalytic process does neutralize & prevent salt, scale & mineral buildup on your plants’ roots & leaves, thus allowing better absorption of water & nutrients vital for healthy growth!
Also, continued use of CARE FREE Conditioned water will dilute & flush salts & hard water elements out of the soil for improved soil permeability & Quality~
It also prevents salts, calcium, lime & magnesium scale & other corrosive buildup that not only damage plants, but also can destroy Irrigation equipment such equipment as, Sprinklers, Pipes, Hoses, Nozzles & Sprayers!
BEST OF ALL this Care Free Process is 100% NATURAL so it will never hurt the Environment!
SOLUTION... a CARE FREE® Conditioner!
Consider the Benefits of Care Free Catalytic Water Conditioners...

Hydroponic Cherry Tomatoes Thrive in 2,200 ppm SALT Water through a Care Free Conditioner.
- Chemical-Free & Salt-Free so NO DAMAGE to Plants, Trees, Lawn, Crops, Landscaping or Septic System
- Catalytic Action Neutralizes Damaging Salts & Minerals in Water & Soil
- Built-to-Last Heavy-Duty Commercial & Marine Grade 316 Stainless Steel and comes with a Lifetime Warranty
- Economic One-Time Cost.
- Simple In-Line Installation & No or very little Maintenance
- Unlimited Capacity for all your watering needs
- Sizes available from 5 to 6,708 Gallons Per Minute Flow
Farmers, Ranchers & Growers Click Here to Solve "IRRIGATION PROBLEMS"
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